This day is National Television Day on August 24.
August 24 is the first television in Indonesia began. This day is TVRI birthday. Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) is the first television in Indonesia. Television Republik Indonesia, established on August 24, 1962, launched Indonesia’s first TV broadcast with its transmission of the 4th Asian Games. TVRI remained the only TV broadcaster in Indonesia until 1989.
In this day is RCTI and SCTV birthday too. August 24 - Indonesia's first privately owned television station, Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia, (RCTI) begins broadcasting. RCTI, the first private television station started official operation on August 24 in 1989. SCTV began broadcasting on August 24 1990, in Surabaya, East Java.
Happy National Television Day
Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007
National Television Day
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2007
H E R O E S Monday - Thursday 6 pm on Trans TV
Heroes are popular in many countries except Indonesia. This show is one of the best in the world. In Indonesia you can watch this show on Trans TV. Heroes is a series superhero TV shows produced by NBC Universal Television Studio and creator/writer by Tim Kring. Heroes is an action-oriented drama series about several individuals who discover that they have superhuman abilities. The people around the world begin to discover they have abilities that are out of the ordinary.
The Main Characters in Heroes are:
Hiro Nakamura. He can freeze time, and teleport.
Peter Petrelli. He has the ability to absorb the powers of others he has been near.
Claire Bennet. She has the ability to heal her injuries.
Mohinder Suresh. He is a genetics professor.
Niki Sanders. She has an alter-ego who is known as Jessica.
Isaac Mendez. He can paint images of the future
D.L. Hawkins. He has the power to phase through solid objects
Matt Parkman. He has the ability to hear other people's thoughts.
Micah Sanders. He is a technopath
Mr. Bennet. He also known as HRG (Horn-Rimmed Glasses). He is a sci-fi secret-agent
Nathan Petrelli. He can fly.
Sylar. He has the ability to steal other evolved humans' powers after killing them.
Heroes is not the typical superheroes series. Each individual character in Heroes is a unique. Everyone have own favourite character. This is what a good superhero show should be.
No free EPL in Indonesia
English Premier League is very popular in Asian countries. There are many fans of Premier League in Indonesia. EPL is one of the highest rating TV program in Indonesia. But this season, Indonesian fans of the English Premier League will no longer be able to watch games on Free-to-Air television. Last season of 2006/2007 Indonesian people always watch most of the EPL matches on Trans7 for free. Since Astro take the rights to air all the EPL matches, Indonesia no longer be able to watch games on Free-to-Air television. EPL fans in Indonesia will be disappointed for that, Sure.
Trans7, previously TV7, had held the rights to broadcast the EPL since 2003. But Now, the games will only be able to be viewed on channels carried by Pay-TV newcomer Astro from Malaysia. This season Trans7 didn't take the EPL rights as the price was simply too costly for them. It's the first time that Indonesian people will have to subscribe to commercial TV satelite to watch English premiership league. Astro have a business deal with EPL's rights holder and it have no authority to resell the rights to local TV stations in Indonesia. EPL It's not free anymore. The fee of IDR 200.000 / month to watch EPL in Astro. Indonesian poor people will not afford this price. For some people in Indonesia will say, Good Bye EPL .....
Senin, 20 Agustus 2007
Indonesia TV Station listing
There are Indonesia TV Station
National broadcasters:
TVRI, RCTI, SCTV, TVGlobal, TPI, ANTV, TransTV, MetroTV, Indosiar, Lativi, TV7,
Pay TV:
Indovision, Telkomvision, Kabel vision
Provincial broadcasters:
TVRI Regional (23 stations)
TV local on Sumatera:
Batam TV - (Batam), Bukittingi Televisi (BiTV) (Bukit Tinggi, Sumatra), Riau TV ( Pekanbaru, Riau), SGTV ( Inhil, Riau) , Sriwijaya TV (Palembang)
TV local on Java:
JakTV (Jakarta), Spacetoon (Jakarta), O Channel (Jakarta), Bogor TV (Bogor, West Java), CTV Banten (Banten, West Java), Agropolitan TV (Batu, East Java), Batu Televisi (Batu, East Java), Jawa Pos Televisi (JTV), Jogja TV (Jogjakarta, Reksa Birama TV (RBTV) - Jogjakarta ( RB Group - Galeri Video - Amikom ), Tugu TV - Jogjakarta, TV Borobudur (TVB) - Semarang, Central Java, GO TV- Cikarang, Bekasi, West Java, Terang Abadi TV (TATV) - Solo, Central Java, TVKU - Semarang, Central Java, MQTV (Bandung), Elshinta TV(Jakarta), TVT (Tegal).
TV local on Bali, NTB,NTT: Bali TV (Bali), Lombok TV (Mataram)
TV local on Kalimantan: Borneo TV (Palangkaraya), Selidah TV (Martapura), KCTV (Pontianak), Kendari TV
TV local on Sulawesi: Bunaken TV (Manado), Gospel Overseas Television Network (Manado), Makassar TV (Makassar), Pacific TV (Manado), Televisi Manado (TVM), Gorontalo TV
TV local on Maluku, Papua: Ambon TV, Top TV (Jayapura),
university broadcast:
TV UI (Universitas Indonesia, Depok), Universitas Gunadarma TV (Depok)
And Much more...
Television in Indonesia
Television in Indonesia
Television in Indonesia began with its establishment in 1962 as a public broadcasting service. Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) is the first television in Indonesia. TVRI is a government channel. Television has been inseparable from the project of national development ever since Indonesia was one of the first countries to launch a civilian satellite. Television is an important part of Indonesian that have more than 200 million people.
In 1988, the first private television station began broadcasting, Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI). RCTI, The First and Largest Commercial Television Network in Indonesia. After that many television launching. There are National TV networks in Indonesia: TVRI, RCTI, SCTV, TPI, ANtv, Indosiar, Lativi, Metro TV, Trans TV, Trans 7, Global TV.
Beside that, Indonesia have some is local channel, some is pay service, some is private as in university broadcast. Tv in Indonesia still grow up until now.
The national television audience has been growing rapidly. There are 11 national free-to-air broadcasters, including the state-owned network TVRI. In addition to the national broadcasters, there are a large number of provincial broadcasters. The number of national and provincial stations had increased about three-fold in the past two years.