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Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

Happy Birthday OB

OB (Office Boy) one of famous sitcom tv series in RCTI will have it's second birthday party tomorrow with "Lucu itu Indah" as the title. OB will perform their new trio to sing at the show, this trio is called "S trio" with Saodah, Saschya and Susi as its personil. This show will also perform others band singer such as Nidji, Yovie and the Nuno and T2. You should watch this show cause its really funny and will definetily entertain you.

HUT OB 2 live on RCTI
"lucu itu indah"
Wednesday, 14 May 2008 at 22.00 WIB

2 komentar:

Luv mengatakan...

HapPY B'day 2 OB..U are The bEst :)
Hai knp ngerayain ultahnya bukan mlm minggu? Tp ga pa2 krn acaranya Ok buanget Loch!
Btw any way bus way td waktu liat acara ultahnya OB ktnya lg cari pmain baru y..mmang syarat & caranya gmn? Mu coba2 aja, syukur2 d terima..he3.
Ok deh, skali lg happy b'day 2 OB..smg smakin maju, lucu, keren & menghibur pmirsa setia.
I Luv U..

mutiara mengatakan...

seperti komen diatas.....
saya jugha maw taw niy ttg perekrutan pemain baru ny...
kalo maw ikutan caranya gimana yah...
pingin d jd bgn dr keluarga besar OB... :))

ad yg bisa kasih taw cara buat daftar na???
thx buat yg jawab...huehuehe...